Euro Supply Chain 2025

 New exhibitor at Euro Supply Chain and partner of the show, Rayonnance believes it has contributed to the democratization of digitalization in transport-logistics. The company continues to capitalize on 21 years of experience in this field.

Interview with Arnaud Affergan, Mobile Solutions Manager at Rayonnance

Interview by Mathieu Noyer, editor-in-chief of Traces Ecrites News, the economic information website for the Grand Est and Bourgogne-Franche-ComtĂ© regions

New exhibitor at Euro Supply Chain and partner of the show, Rayonnance believes it has contributed to the democratization of digitalization in transport-logistics. The company continues to capitalize on 21 years of experience in this field.

"When we were founded in 2002, only very large international players in the transport and logistics sector had developed their own mobile applications for tracking flows. We introduced them to SMEs, just as the first PDA terminals arrived on the market", recalls Arnaud Affergan, Head of Mobile Solutions at Rayonnance. 

Since then, the Ile-de-France-based company has grown to employ around 100 people and generate annual sales of 36 million euros. It has considerably broadened its offer, first in transport, then in logistics from the late 2000s onwards.

Its range covers the entire spectrum of digital order preparation. It can be used to manage goods-in and goods-out queues, carry out inventories, optimize storage by geolocation, and validate goods-in. "We're also responding to the development of reverse logistics," emphasizes Arnaud Affergan, referring to the growing challenge of managing flows from consumer to supplier: after-sales, return of defective products, handling of customer dissatisfaction, recycling, etc. In addition, Rayonnance's mobile application for drivers enables them to plan their rounds more effectively. 

The Paris-based company is one of the first to provide consumers with information on the delivery driver's theoretical arrival time at their home. To implement its offers, it relies on a high-tech platform. "It makes us the customer's one-stop shop for softwarehardware and services", says Arnaud Affergan. 

The 2023 edition of Euro Supply Chain will be the first for Rayonnance, which is also a regular at major transport and logistics trade shows. "Recent trade shows have all confirmed the strong demand from companies for traceability. And the Mulhouse show gives us the opportunity to better assert the presence of our national company in Eastern France", comments Arnaud Affergan.